Friday, 8 March 2013


            Hello friends today I am going to share a wonderful news for those, who are looking to earn some extra cash and wants to be renowned among billion of peoples. By sharing your own thoughts without any boundaries.  That Platform is know as “Yahoo Contributor . Lots of people are aware of it and working with it. Today I am sharing this for those people, those who are trying to do some stuff in the internet and trying to earn some extra hard cash. Few of them got success and most of them got trapped by the scammers in the open forum internet.   But Today What I am going to share is really helpful for those who are not getting the right place in the internet to earn.


Yahoo Contributor is a open platform where you can share your own voice, videos, articles and also share their knowledge and passion with hundred of millions people worldwide. This is the best place for photographer, writer and videographers to show their personal quality.


Yahoo contributor works in very simple way. Here you have to submit articles on some certain topics provided in the assignment desk. Choose the most relevant topic in which you are best to write articles. If the content is good quality you may get eligible to get upfront payment.  And yahoo contributor pay varies depend on the quality of articles. According to their pay cycle for your each article you may get $2 - $15.


Yahoo contributor pay in two ways for a single article you post in your contributor account. One is known as Passive Income. Here you get paid indefinitely for you article, how long time it get displayed on Yahoo Contributor network.  Here you get paid by the calculation of the page views.  Yahoo Contributor network pays $1.50 to $2 for 1000 unique page views received to your article. And this grows gradually the more your article start clout up.  In other way the more your article gets popularity your payment increase from $1.50 to up to $2.

Now when you write a article and submit it  in yahoo contributor network to get published that time after 1-2 weeks later you get a information form the network that for writing the article you will be separately paid just for completing the task which was taken from assignment desk, but this upfront payment is on eligible for good quality  writing. If the quality doesn’t match there criteria it is quiet possible you may not get any upfront for that article. The upfront amount starts from $2 – up to $15.


This yahoo contributor account you can not open from any country. Unfortunately it sounds bad but true. Till now yahoo contributor didn’t started to pay for publishing articles for all the countries. Only two country1. USA 2. UK this two country are currently getting paid for posting their article on yahoo contributor network by there citizen.  UK is been newly enlisted in the network. And they are trying to start it worldwide very soon. So the people of America and United Kingdom have to be more than 18yrs of age to register yourself. And you have to create a paypal account or if you have you can use the existing one to get the payment.  Yahoo contributor network release  the payment every day from Monday to Friday. Paypal is only way through which payment can be released.

I am going to saw you some tricks and the best way of SEO(Search Engine Optimization) where your articles will get the maximum number of unique views and you can earn a good passive income.  So peoples those who are already joined with this network and those who wants to join the network can keep looking here we will provide all the requirement to all of you to get the highest level of income with very genuine and guaranteed way. In my next post I will be sharing how to grab traffic for your articles and get minimum of 3000 views per day for your articles.

Please click the image below to get you free contributor account now . +Péter Gyetvai , +Suvam Mazumder +Richard MacManus +Richard Binhammer +Article Submission Sites 

Thursday, 7 March 2013


Daily Current News: HARM FULL EFFECTS OF MOBILE ON KIDS: E very parents love their kids so. Once they grow up, parents give them cell phone to track them when they are out, or if kids face a ...


Every parents love their kids so. Once they grow up, parents give them cell phone to track them when they are out, or if kids face a problem they can get in touch with their parents and with all kind of good reasons. But now days that became the minor cause for Kids for using phone. However, along with all well known dangers and side effects of all ages, children & teenagers go through some other hazards of using cell phones.


Children crossing streets when they are talking on the cell phone, according to a survey 55% percent of them are talking with there very close friend circles or any relatives, or be struck by some passing vehicles. Above mention report was published by the University of Alabama at Birmingham at 2008 when they conducted a survey. In the report they also said that they have done a research on specific 77 students those who use cross road while talking in the phone and come to a conclusion that they were less likely to see the both side of the road while they are talking in cell phones which can make different scenario in there life any point of time while crossing road.


True Story Of Sushmita In India Last Week
Approximately 31% percent of teenagers had admitted in a survey  to sending  nude or sexual suggestive images of themselves over their cell phones. And some time which get cross through the internet and come to open forum.  Such an incident recently happened in India. A lady uploaded her picture in Facebook by her cell phone and by one anonymous that picture was been downloaded and edited by some one and beside her picture It was written that she is a “CALL GIRL” .  When It came to her acknowledge that lady and her family gone through the most pathetic decision and suicide was done by all of them. For a Picture  the entire family was destroyed.

By some world famous doctors it is admitted that cell phone users can easily be affected by “brain tumors” due to the radiations used in cell phones.  The most interesting danger is ipsilateral exposure, meaning  tumors come on the same side of the head where phone is mostly held why talking. Apart from that some few diseases also welcomed to our human body. In the cell phone the radio waves which comes out  harms body cells and also damage our DNA. (According to BBA).

Nickel : Nickel which has been found in most of the mobile set. Which is really harm full to our human body.  Just like in United Kingdom(UK)  35%  of population are allergic to nickel and it is quiet possible among them 90%  population use cell phones.

And the most important think is reduction of sleep.  It is being approved by most of the researchers that using of cell phones reduce sleeping . And a human body needs at least 6 hours sleep in a day but now days it is not possible for every one to do that but easily teenagers can do that but is not happened due to cell phone and most  of them waste a long time over the cell phone and get weak insider.    It is A request for the parents to take care of their children and try to save their life’s from the unavoidable disease spreader machine cell phone.  +Sprint  +Nikhil Chakravarthi 

Tuesday, 26 February 2013


May be this sound little weird, that how a mobile phone is ruining the relationship in young generation. Where the overlook shows that relationships are getting more  stronger through the help of mobile phones. But the real scenario is different.  This small device, with her beautiful views and features diverting their minds in a small metal deigned box “MOBILE."

In A survey it is proved the young generation is spending the most of the time in the Communication Technology.  This is changing their behavior, even the communication skill as well.  This can spill over into a big problem into their future life.  Even Some time it become a compulsion and other feel feelings of withdrawal when they are not with their phone.  Other side this addiction is also harming their health. This reflects on their later life, heart problems, hearing problem etc…

”. Dr James Roberts, of Baylor's Hankamer School of Business, in Texas, said that the “instant messaging” addiction was driven by “materialism and impulsiveness.”
Mobile phones are a part of our consumer Culture. Dr. Robert also said  that it is not only a consumer culture, also taking away our personal relation ships.
The researchers believe mobile phone use has become so common, it is important to have a better understanding of what drives these types of technological addictions.
Previous studies have revealed young adults, aged 18 to 29, send on average 109.5 texts a day, or approximately 3,200 messages a month.


Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Indian People Getting More Savvier With Internet

New Delhi: Driven by youth, Internet subscriber base in the country is expected to reach 150 million by the end of this year, says a report.
The report by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB said, "the number of claimed Internet users has seen a growth of 16 per cent over last year. This number is estimated to grow up to 150 million by December 2012."
There will be 105 million users in urban India while the rural areas will contribute 45 million subscribers, it added.
Claimed users are those who have used Internet at least once in their lifetime while active users have used Internet at least once in the last one month.
"As of June 2012, there are 137 million claimed Internet users in India (99 million from Urban India and 38 million from the rural parts of the country)," the report said.

Out of these 137 million claimed users, there are 111 million active users, it added
The number of active users is growing at the rate of 19 per cent, faster than the claimed users.
"This indicates that the penetration of active users among the claimed ones will grow as Internet seeps more deeply into the lives of Indians," the report said.
It added that Internet usage in the country is still driven by the youth and mobile is coming up as a major avenue for Internet access and is redefining how the users stay online.

"Thanks to this trend, we see a huge spike in the frequency of Internet usage from a mere 28 per ent of the users in 2011 accessing Internet daily to 54 per cent users now," the report said.
Email and social networking are the most popular purposes of Internet access and are the main triggers for bringing people on this platform, it said. school going kids, college students and young men continue to account for the maximum Internet users in the country with about 70 per cent of all active Internet users in urban India," the report added.

By--  Peter


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By- Peter